The cruise
While we've all witnessed the growth of the amazing automotive custom culture known as lowriding on its journey to what it is today, the culture has become complex, with a few key tenets standing at the pinnacle of the art form. There's, of course, the visual aspect, and with the evolution of hydraulics, there is that element as well. But one of the core purposes that fueled this trend was 'cruising' – the act of driving your work of art, listening to music, and congregating with your people. With that being said, in every city and town where lowriders exist, there is that spot, that street, or boulevard that is the hub of the culture within your community. One of those popular hubs, that has become synonymous" with the term “cruising” in Southern California, is Whittier Boulevard. While it’s not L.A.’s only cruise, it is one that is cemented in the history and culture.
photo credit: Oscar Ramirez
As builders of these 1/10 scale lowriding replicas, we are fortunate to have master lowrider model builder Armando Flores curate a scaled version of this legendary cruise for the RC lowrider culture. Mr. Flores has not only teamed up with the iconic Lowrider magazine brand to host the cruise in multiple cities around the US, but he also attends various events for the RC Lowrider Community, bringing the Whittier Boulevard cruise to all of us.
At Low Low Boys, we want to give a huge shout-out to Mr. Flores and all the scale Lowrider enthusiasts who carry the same passion that exists with the one-to-one scales, as they do in miniature.
Here’s a cool video of the Whittier presentation that went down at the Long Beach Super Show.